
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 6 Free Post: Sports Nutritionist

My previous posts have reiterated my desire to enter the world of nutrition and obtain an accredited position. However, I have failed to mention the specific branch of this field that I would like to practice. The ideal occupation within my major would be that of a sports nutritionist. This job appeals to me due to the fact that it intertwines many of my interests. While I am equally passionate about nutrition and fitness, this position would allow opportunities to travel and write as well. The profile of a sports nutritionist is defined as someone who is strong in academics and emotionally stable. They require having an interest in nutrition, fitness, and sports as well as adequate communication skills. Sports nutritionists create and utilize specified meal plans for athletes or teams. They do this primarily in order to maximize performance. Other duties within this job include mentoring or teaching athletes about a healthy diet and ensuring that traveling teams receive proper nutrition. Professional sports teams, fitness facilities, doctor’s offices, and colleges are among the many organizations that seek sports nutritionists. Although it can vary be employer, in order to qualify as a sports nutritionist the minimum requirement is a bachelor’s degree in a nutrition-related area as well as a license to practice. Becoming a sports nutritionist ultimately opens countless doors that I look forward to exploring.  

"How to Become a Sports Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist Career." Academic Invest. Academic Invest, 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
Apple. Digital image. N.p., 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

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