
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 5 Prompt Post: Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics:

1)   The dietetics practitioner conducts themselves with honest, integrity, and fairness.
2)   The dietetics practitioner supports and promotes high standards of professional practice. The dietetics practitioner accepts the obligation to protect clients, the public, and the profession by upholding the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics and by reporting perceived violations of the Code through the processes established by the ADA and its credentialing agency, CDR.
3)   Consider the health, safety, and welfare of public at all times.
4)   Complies with all laws and regulations applicable or related to the profession or practitioner’s ethical obligations as described in this Code
5)   Provides professional services with objectivity and with respect for the unique needs and values of individuals.
6)   Does not engage in false or misleading practices or communications.
7)   Withdraws from professional practice when unable to fulfill his or her professional duties and responsibilities to clients and others.
8)   Recognizes and exercises professional judgment within the limits of his or her qualifications and collaborates with others, seeks counsel, or makes referrals as appropriate.
9)   Treats clients and patients with respect and consideration.
10) Protects confidential information and makes full disclosure.
11) Practices dietetics based on evidence-based principles and current information.
12) Presents reliable and substantiated information and interprets controversial information without personal bias.
13) Assumes a life-long accountability for personal competence in practice.
14) Alert to the occurrence of a real or potential conflict of interest and takes appropriate action whenever a conflict arises.
15) Permits the use of his or her name.
16) Accurately presents professional qualification and credentials.
17) Does not invite, accept, or offer gifts, momentary incentives, or other considerations that affect professional judgment.
18) Demonstrates respect for the values, rights, knowledge, and skills of colleagues and other professionals.

The same principles that dietitians follow in their practice closely relate to how I function within my places of work. Whether it is school or my summer job, I try to be a respectful and logical thinking participant. In many ways, this Code of Ethics matches my own beliefs about behavior in general. Interacting with others is one way that college is preparing me for this field of work. Each day I practice treating other with respect and consideration. Partaking in nutrition classes also ensure that I will be able to practice dietetics based on evidence-based principals and current information. By actively demonstrating respect for values, rights, and skills of my colleagues right now, I will be more inclined to utilize this later on in my career.

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